Let’s introduce you how to find a reliable travel agency
Hello, in this post, I will introduce you the criteria to find a reliable travel agency.
First, a good travel agency in South Korea is part of the KATA (Korean Association of Tour Agents). You can check this on the website of the agency, on the company profile.

Second, it has to have a nice reputation in the eyes of the government and have good relationships with this one. So search for an agency which is certified by the Korean Government.

Third, a great travel agency has good reviews from customers and has awards. Having provinces’ recognition as the official reference agency of some of them is a very good guarantee of quality. When an agency has these strong points, it will be highlighted on its website.

Then, having experience and contact with world’s travel agencies is another great strength. A little young agency can become a very good one, but waiting, an agency with 10 years of experience is a better choice !

And Etourism has all these strongs points, so don’t hesitate !

Thanks for reading ! 🙂
Emilie from Etourism,