(Video) Gyeongju UNESCO Virtual Tour

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  • The easy way to travel at home!

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Virtual Tour Video
How to get There

[Address]  839-1, Inwang-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea /
경북 경주시 인왕동 839-1

[Bus] Take bus #61 or #60 from Singyeongju Station and get off at the Cheonmachong,
Walk for 3 Min

[Address]  385, Bulguk-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea /
경상북도 경주시 불국로 385

[Bus] Take bus #700 from Singyeongju Station and get off at the Bulguksa,
Walk for 1 Min